Warfare for Peace?
Indigenous people of southeast Estonia decided to stand up for their peace. As a simple person, I look at what is happening in the world and I am confused. When millions of people are killed in massacres in the name of peace, it cannot be about peace, but about something

Indigenous people of southeast Estonia decided to stand up for their peace.
As a simple person, I look at what is happening in the world and I am confused. When millions of people are killed in massacres in the name of peace, it cannot be about peace, but about something else. Money and power I guess.
How can humanity, otherwise moving towards intelligence, act so destructively? The reason is the lack of contact with their land and people. Our last hope are indigenous people, who have preserved both elements. Based on what they have experienced for thousands of years, the indigenous people have established the knowledge that in order to survive and flourish, they have to take care of the land and their people.
Old Võrumaa (Vana-Võrumaa) is located in the southeastern part of Estonia, our local Võru language is at least a few thousand years old, and the customs and wisdom here have been passed down from generation to generation. We have lived here in peace and harmony with the nature and each other. Due to the events in Ukraine, a war was also started against us. Not by the eastern neighbor, but by our own government. The state informed 21 households of its desire to buy their land and homes. The people refused but stillbuildings and roads were built all around, beautiful forests destroyed, as if they had no choice but to sell. The Minister of Defense said in the media that the court will calculate a fair price for the refusers. And for what? So that Estonian and NATO soldiers can practice warfare, spend millions of euros. Our new government is raising taxes which are already too high, in order to help Ukraine even more and invest to our defense. Impoverishing population, leaving people homeless, destroying our homeland.
21 seems like a tiny number when reading it, but who knows what the feeling of home means, especially when it has been inherited from our ancestors, even 1 is too big of a number to sacrifice. Tens of thousands of people live nearby and are already suffering from the noise generated by the military trainings, children wake up to gunshots in kindergartens, pets are disturbed. The planned expansion is so large-scale and moves closer and closer to living areas, life here will simply die out. Our worldwide known beautiful nature, culture, tourism will be gone for sure. Also the local language and connection to our ancestors. The damage to the nature caused by clear-cutting of our forests and chemical substances from the weapons are irreversible.
When we realized that the government doesn’t care for our wellbeing or survival and that our lands has been treated like they did with Native Americans, we decided to act fast. As a result of months of organizing and brainstorming, we organized the 1st Võrukeste Congress to declare ourselves as an indigenous people and thus protect our homes, land and culture. Today, the Republic of Estonia is bound by three international agreements that prohibit the occupation of indigenous people's land under any circumstances.
Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169) – ILO;
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (07.09.2007); European Parliament resolution on violation of the rights of indigenous peoples in the world, including land grabbing (03.07.2018).
On April 22th, a congress was held in Võru, the topics of which were "Self-determination", "Global and intergenerational cooperation of Võru people as the key to continuity" and "Linking the environment, community and culture". More than 20 experts spoke on the topics. In addition, there was a free microphone so that the attendees could also be involved. With 139 ambassadors, we voted through 3 drafts "Self-determination", “Language, education, media" and "A good environment for living". The ambassadors had gathered over 2,000 signatures of local natives who wanted to support the purpose. For us it is a heartwarmingly big number.
At the end of the congress, the ambassadors elected an 11-member council of elders, which will continue to communicate with local governments, the state and businesses. Let it be said that the ambassadors were simplepeople from among simple people who know our worries, joys, desires and are willing to work hard and wisely for the sake of us all.
The congress was followed by a human chain. Approximately 600 people standing hand in hand, next to each other, in an elevated mood, full of hope, looking at the beauty of our lake Tamula and forest behind it. Such a powerful and spiritedplace should not be turned into a military camp.
This historical day ended with a big open-air concert featuringmany of our beloved musicians. Tõnis Mägi's "Koit" was like an anthem for our souls, people stood closely next to one another, singing, smiling, tears of hope and happiness in so many eyes.
I hope our journey inspires people to love and take care of our land and people.
Kertu Luisk, Estonia People's Party (Eesti Rahva Erakond)
Member of the council of elders