Through Political Suicide

Through Political Suicide

We have received official confirmation that Estonia is moving towards political suicide. This was emphasized in her address during the parliamentary question time on December 6 by Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. Her quote was more precisely as follows: "Actually, I am probably committing political suicide here, because I am doing what is right for the state of Estonia and for future generations." Kallas added, "Do you really think that I want to raise these taxes, that I am some kind of self-flagellator?"

This statement is concerning in several ways. We might talk about a slip of the tongue, but a person who speaks of suicide, even political suicide, admits to having reached a breaking point. A person brought to this point needs psychological help and the opportunity to rest, otherwise, they will carry out their threat. All the more reason to offer the prime minister a chance to rest, as her suicidal thoughts could destroy an entire country, as is already happening in Estonia.

Do we really allow personal troubles to punish the whole country and commit collective suicide? That would be foolish. With this in mind, there is only one recommendation for the government and the Reform Party – give Kaja Kallas a break, because an overworked leader is not capable of making the right decisions during difficult times.

Kallas's talk of self-flagellation also raises doubts. It remains unclear whether she refers to extreme religious fanaticism-induced whipping or to an arsenal of masochistic passions involving erotic pain sensation; in both cases, the statement's content alarmingly indicates mental instability. In any case, a country whose prime minister's mindset points to severe emotional turmoil and doubts must act quickly, as personal failure should not grow into a catastrophe that overwhelms the entire nation.

Essentially, this is about a deadlocked head of government trying to crown herself with a halo of suffering, but whining, "Why don't you love me when I do everything to look good abroad," doesn't hold. The life of Estonian people is getting worse, the standard of living is plummeting, and unemployment is rising. New harsh taxes are coming. Yes, this is political suicide, but why should those who do not derive satisfaction from self-flagellation suffer?

Whip, not carrot.

In the quoted speech, Kallas laments that the country has no money and the only way to get it is by raising taxes. It's a pity that this crooked idea is presented as the truth and that she herself believes her lie. Taxes are not the only way to raise money for the budget. Our state apparatus and local government bureaucracy have grown excessively large. There's duplication and endless processing. If agencies and ministries were cut down by at least three-quarters, the VAT could remain at 20%, and for children's and basic goods, it could even be lowered, as done in many countries. But no! Kaja Kallas knows that happiness comes only from higher taxes. The state needs extra money to pay bonuses to loyal officials and grow the bureaucracy.

Next year, preparations will begin for forming a new agency. The Land and Space Agency, with the cool name MaRu, will combine tasks related to land use, construction, planning, architecture, and the living environment. An additional 400 well-paid jobs will be created, where a whole flock of political broilers can be placed, all at the expense of the ordinary Estonian who trusts the government with their taxes for distribution.

The way the government squanders money was pointed out in an article published in Postimees by Jaak Madison. Namely, Estonia sacrifices over 25 million annually until 2026 for the purchase of Pfizer's dubious coronavirus vaccines. It can be predicted that the vaccines will mostly end up in the landfill. Against this background, it is painful to hear how the government mocks teachers, rescuers, and police officers expecting a pay raise.

And here, it must be admitted, Kaja Kallas is right – the government's wastefulness, which includes maintaining an apparatus beyond its means, unlimited money sowing into Ukraine and African countries at a time of scarcity in Estonia, deserves a whip.

Vsevolod Jürgenson